Streaming Dawn: A Story of the Fated Blades

Streaming Dawn: A Story of the Fated Blades - Steve Bein 3.5 stars

While I enjoyed this Fated Blades novella, I did not like Kaida, the main character. She's a shinobi, and part of the secretive Wind organization that carefully sets events in motion to control the rulers of feudal Japan. I loved the setting, and that an old woman could be such a fearsome opponent, but I didn't like her. Kaida is near the end of her career as an assassin, and she's determined to avenge the death of one of her students, in direct opposition of her current assignment, before she's killed.

My favorite character was Okuma, probably because he's the only one who truly believed in and followed the bushido code.

While part of the Fated Blades series, this can be read by itself. I love the concept of cursed swords created by a master swordsmith, and I like reading the background stories of the swords. The flashbacks were my favorite part of Daughter of the Sword, and I highly recommend that book if you haven't read it yet.